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Bricks in the Wall - Banners!

Banners! They're not just for breakfast anymore!

Banners are the Rodney Dangerfield of the advertising world. They don't get no respect, yet they are used year round to convey all types of messages.

Here at the end of 2013 Banners are pressed into service for Holiday Retail Sales, AFTER Holiday Retail Sales, Gift Certificate Promotions and on and on. We even printed some to promote Deer Processing during hunting season.

Take stock of your "sales environment". Do you have some "blank canvas" areas in your showroom or sales bullpen area? Promote your website inside of your showroom! Let us design a contest banner for your sales team!

With​ the proliferation of the digital printing technology we no longer have to sacrifice design for cost. Full color images and vibrant bold text are the norm instead of the ultra premium they once were.

Here is a suggestion...pick one of your high margin products to promote. Figure out how many of those products it will take to cover the cost of a banner. If those numbers appear to "work" in your estimation, then let us print your banner to hang inside or outside of your location and let it do its job!

Let's look at it another way, after you look around your office/retail space/showroom your "spot" will often dictate the size. A common size is 3' x 5'. A banner that size with reinforced edges and grommets will run right about $125. So how many product units will you need to move to cover that cost? Then how many beyond that to drive a profit?

These are all considerations you'll need to make as you continually promote and grow your business.

Next time - How NOT to install a banner (Unless of course you enjoy failure.)

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